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Danial Mason grew up in central Victoria Australia and had a yearning to travel, in 1966 ventured to Auckland New Zealand. He met a girl got married, he was gifted with a son and then the marriage break-up.


The break-up of the marriage and the mother wanting sole custody of the child began the quest by Danial Masons to gain custody of his son. The story centres around the legal system at the time whereas it favoured the mother as the law stated that a child under five remains with the mother in custody matters.


The system was a harsh and bitter one set by the child welfare justice system along with the courts and Danial Mason being the father challenged this, it was monumental let alone finding a lawyer to represent him.

"If you have a dream, then pursue that Dream.


Life is like a circle and seasons come and go and what you cannot achieve today there is always tomorrow.


 When you think all is lost, never give up hope, have faith and believe in what you can achieve."

By his faith and vision, he was drawn to the church this is where he found an outstanding lady lawyer, the lawyer was the defining moment in this extraordinary historic court case and how it all unfolded.


There were many incidents leading up to and during the court case that readers will find difficult and hard to believe.


Far too often fathers get portrayed as the aggressor, lies and unfounded stories are told in court cases by their ex-partners against fathers to better their own cause, this story would appeal to any father seeking to have custody of their children and fight for their rights.


This is an entertaining story that has plenty of drama, domestic violence, tension

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